About Us
Explore the world with us, one journey at a time.
Make your travel dreams come true with Geographic Journeys.
We are experienced travel experts who specialize in planning and organizing unforgettable travel experiences for adventurers looking to experience the stories behind the destinations and connect with the people, culture, and history of the location.
Our Story
Geographic Journeys Tours came from a love of understanding the world around me. Since my early days I was always interested in landscapes and places. During my college years I had the opportunity to live overseas in Australia and Papua New Guinea. This is where I became interested in the cultural aspects of the world as much as I had the physical aspects of the world. I started Geographic Journeys from a desire to share the “why of the where” about the world around us.
I invite you to join me as we explore the amazing planet that we call home and meet the rest of our human family.
Paul Morgan – Founder
Current Trips
Experience the heart of central Europe: Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, home to the fastest growing economies in Europe and an amazing historical and cultural center...
Explore the Rockies as the season changes from summer to fall in northern Utah, eastern Idaho, and western Wyoming
Explore the Rockies as the season changes from summer to fall in northern Utah, eastern Idaho, and western Wyoming
Explore the Rockies as the season changes from summer to fall in northern Utah, eastern Idaho, and western Wyoming